Solution-Class-11-Science-Biology-Chapter-10-Animal Tissues-Maharashtra Board

Animal Tissues

Maharashtra Board-Class-11-Science-Biology-Chapter-10


Question 1.

Choose correct option

(A) The study of structure and arrangement of tissue is called as _____________

(a) anatomy

(b) histology

(c). microbiology

(d) morphology

Answer :

(b) histology



(B) ____________ is a gland which is both exocrine and endocrine.

(a) Sebaceous

(b) Mammary

(c) Pancreas

(d) Pituitary

Answer :

(c) Pancreas



(C) _____________ cell junction is mediated by integrin.

(a) Gap

(b) Hemidesmosomes

(c) Desmosomes

(d) Adherens

Answer :

(b) Hemidesmosomes



(D) The protein found in cartilage is _______.

(a) ossein

(b) haemoglobin

(c) chondrin

(d) renin

Answer :

(c) chondrin



(E) Find the odd one out

(a) Thyroid gland

(b) Pituitary gland

(c) Adrenal gland

(d) Salivary gland

Answer :

(d) Salivary gland



Question 2.

Answer the following questions

(A) Identify and name the type of tissues in the following:

(a) Inner lining of the intestine

(b) Heart wall

(c) Skin

(d) Nerve cord

(e) Inner lining of the buccal cavity

Answer :

Inner lining of the intestine -Epithelial tissue (Columnar epithelium)

Heart wall -Myocardium

Skin -Epithelial tissue (Stratified epithelium)

Nerve cord -Nervous tissue

Inner lining of the buccal cavity -Epithelial tissue (Ciliated epithelium)



(B) Why do animals in cold regions have a layer of fat below their skin?

Answer :

  • In adipose tissues, fats are stored in the fonn of droplets.
  • The adipose tissue acts as good insulator and helps retain heat in the body. This helps in survival of animals in the colder regions.
  • Hence, animals in cold regions have a layer of fat below their skin.



(C) What enables the ear pinna to be folded and twisted while the nose tip can’t be twisted?

Answer :

  • The ear pinna, or outer ear, is an elastic cartilage plate that is made up of a thin plate that is joined to the pans around it by ligaments and muscles. The auricular muscle permits movement of the ear pinna.
  • The nose tip is made up of elastic cartilage. However, several bones and cartilages make up the bony-cartilaginous framework of the nose.

Hence, even though the tip of the nose is made up of elastic cartilage, it cannot be twisted like the ear pinna due to presence of bony-cartilaginous framework.



(D) Sharad touched a hot plate by mistake and took away his hand quickly. Can you recognize the tissue and its type responsible for it?

Answer :

The skeletal muscle, i.e. a type of muscular tissue is responsible for this action



(E) Priya got injured in an accident and hurt her long bone and later on she was also diagnosed with anaemia. What could be the probable reason?

Answer :

  • The centre of long bones (diaphysis) contains bone marrow, which is a site of production of blood cells (red blood cells).
  • Any severe injury to the bone marrow can affect the rate of production of erythrocytes.
  • A low count of blood cells is characterized as anaemia.
  • Hence, an injury to Priya’s long bone might have resulted in anaemia.

(F) Supriya stepped out into the bright street from a cinema theatre. In response, her eye pupil shrunk. Identify the muscle responsible for the same.

Answer :

Smooth muscles are responsible for shrinking of eye pupil



Question 3.

Answer the following quetions

(A) What is cell junction? Describe different types of cell junctions.

Answer :

Cell junctions : The epithelial cells are connected to each other laterally as well as to the basement membrane by junctional complexes called cell junctions.

The different types of cell junctions are as follows:

  • Gap Junctions (GJs): These are intercellular connections that allow the passage of ions and small molecules between cells as well as exchange of chemical messages between cells.
  • Adherens Junctions (AJs): They are involved in various signalling pathways and transcriptional regulations.
  • Desmosomes (Ds): They provide mechanical strength to epithelial tissue, cardiac muscles and meninges.
  • Hemidesmosomes (HDs): They allow the cells to strongly adhere to the underlying basement membrane. These junctions help maintain tissue homeostasis by signalling.

Tight junctions (TJs): These junctions maintain cell polarity, prevent lateral diffusion of proteins and ions



(B) With help of neat labelled diagram, describe the structure of areolar connective tissue.

Answer :

(i) Areolar connective tissue :

Location : Areolar tissue is a loose connective tissue found under the skin, between muscles, bones, around organs, blood vessels and peritoneum. It is composed of fibres and cells.

The matrix of areolar tissues contains two types of fibres i.e. white fibres and yellow fibres.

  • White fibres: They are made up of collagen and give tensile strength to the tissue.
  • Yellow fibres: They are made up of elastin and are elastic in nature.

The four different types of cells present in this tissue are as follows:

  • Fibroblast: Large fiat cells having branching processes. They produce fibres as well as polysaccharides that form the ground substance or matrix of the tissue.
  • Mast cells: Oval cells that secrete heparin and histamine.
  • Macrophages: Amoeboid, phagocytic cells.
  • (Fat cells) Adipocytes: Cells that store fat. These cells have eccentric nucleus.



(C) Describe the structure of multipolar neuron.

Answer :

Multipolar Neuron :

  • It is star shaped and gives out more than two processes.
  • There is only one axon and remaining are dendrons. Axon initiates from a funnel shaped area called axon-hillock.
  • Conduct impulses from receptors to CNS. Integration network between Sensory and motor neuron.

  • Almost all neurons in the central nervous system and all motor neurons are multipolar,



(D) Distinguish between smooth muscles and skeletal muscles.

Answer :

smooth muscles skeletal muscles
These muscles are found in the walls of visceral organs and blood vessels. These muscles are found attached to the bone.
Each muscle cell is spindle shaped or fusiform and unbranched. They are cylindrical in shape and branched.
They have a single, centrally located nucleus. They contain several nuclei that are shifted to the periphery due to presence of large number of myofibrils.
Striations are absent in smooth muscles. Striations are present in skeletal muscles.
They undergo slow and sustained involuntary. They show quick and strong voluntary contractions.
They contain lesser myosin are more actin as compared to skeletal muscles. They contain more myosin and lesser actin as compared to smooth muscles.



 Question 4.

Complete the following table.

  Cell / Tissue / Muscles Functions
1 Cardiac muscles  
2   Connect skeletal muscles to bones.
3 Chondroblast cells  
4   Secrete heparin and histamine

Answer :

  Cell / Tissue / Muscles Functions
1 Cardiac muscles Cardiac muscles bring about contraction and relaxation of heart.
2 Tendons Connect skeletal muscles to bones.
3 Chondroblast cells Produce cartilage matrix
4 Mast Cells Secrete heparin and histamine



Question 5.

Match the following

'A' Group 'B' Group
1. Muscle

2. Bone

3. Nerve cell

4. Cartilage

a. Perichondrium

b. Sarcolemma

c. Periosteum

d. Neurilemma

Answer :

'A' Group 'B' Group
1. Muscle

2. Bone

3. Nerve cell

4. Cartilage

b. Sarcolemma

c. Periosteum

d. Neurilemma

a. Perichondrium



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