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Class 8 Notes
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Class 8 Solutions
Class 9 Notes
Class 9 Solutions
Class 10 Notes
Class 10 Solutions
Class 11 Notes
Part-1-Chapter-1-Units and Measurements
Part-2-Chapter-1-Units and Measurements
Part-1-Chapter-2-Mathematical Methods
Part-2-Chapter-2-Mathematical Methods
Part-1-Chapter-3-Motion in a Plane
Part-2-Chapter-3-Motion in a Plane
Part-1-Chapter-4-Laws of Motion
Part-2-Chapter-4-Laws of Motion
Part-3-Chapter-4-Laws of Motion
Chapter-6-Mechanical Properties of Solids
Part-1-Chapter-7-Thermal Properties of Matter
Part-2-Chapter-7-Thermal Properties of Matter
Part-1-Chapter-11-Electric Current Through Conductors
Part-2-Chapter-11-Electric Current Through Conductors
Chapter-13-Electromagnetic Waves and Communication System
Chapter-1-Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chapter 2: Introduction to analytical chemistry
Chapter-3-Basic Analytical Techniques
Part-1-Chapter-4-Structure of Atom
Part-2-Chapter-4-Structure of Atom
Part-1-Chapter-5-Chemical Bonding
Part-2-Chapter-5-Chemical Bonding
Part-2-Chapter-5-Chemical Bonding
Chapter-7-Modern Periodic Table
Part-1-Chapter-8- Elements of Group 1 and 2
Part-2-Chapter-8- Elements of Group 1 and 2
Part-1-Chapter-9-Elements of Group 13, 14 and 15
Part-2-Chapter-9-Elements of Group 13, 14 and 15
Part-1-Chapter-10-States of Matter : Gaseous and Liquid States
Part-2-Chapter-10-States of Matter : Gaseous and Liquid States
Part-1-Chapter-11-Adsorption and Colloids
Part-2-Chapter-11-Adsorption and Colloids
Chapter-12-Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter-13-Nuclear Chemistry and Radioactivity
Part-1-Chapter 14: Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Part-2-Chapter 14: Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Chapter-16-Chemistry in Everyday Life
Chapter-2-Systematics of Living Organisms
Chapter-5-Cell Structure and Organization
Part-1-Chapter-8-Plant Tissues and Anatomy
Part-2-Chapter-8-Plant Tissues and Anatomy
Part-1-Chapter-9-Morphology of Flowering Plants
Part-2-Chapter-9-Morphology of Flowering Plants
Part-1-Chapter-10-Animal Tissues
Part-2-Chapter-10-Animal Tissues
Chapter-11-Study of Animal Type-Cockroach
Chapter-13-Respiration and Energy Transfer
Part-1-Chapter-15-Excretion and Osmoregulation
Part-2-Chapter-15-Excretion and Osmoregulation
Part-1-Chapter-16-Skeleton and Movement
Part-2-Chapter-16-Skeleton and Movement
Class 11 Solutions
Chapter-1-Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
Chapter 2: Introduction to analytical chemistry
Chapter-3-Basic Analytical Techniques
Chapter-7-Modern Periodic Table
Chapter-8- Elements of Group 1 and 2
hapter-9-Elements of Group 13, 14 and 15
Chapter-10-States of Matter : Gaseous and Liquid States
Chapter-11-Adsorption and Colloids
Chapter-12-Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter-13-Nuclear Chemistry and Radioactivity
Chapter-14-Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Chapter-16-Chemistry in Everyday Life
Chapter-2-Systematics of Living Organisms
Chapter-5-Cell Structure and Organization
Chapter-8-Plant Tissues and Anatomy
Chapter-9-Morphology of Flowering Plants
Chapter-11-Study of Animal Type-Cockroach
Chapter-13-Respiration and Energy Transfer
Chapter-15-Excretion and Osmoregulation
Chapter-16-Skeleton and Movement
Class 12 Notes
Part-1-Chapter 1: Rotational Dynamics
Part-2-Chapter 1: Rotational Dynamics
Part-3-Chapter 1: Rotational Dynamics
Part-4-Chapter 1: Rotational Dynamics
Part-1-Chapter 2: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Part-2-Chapter 2: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Part-3-Chapter 2: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Part-1-Chapter-3-Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiations
Part-2-Chapter-3-Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiations
Part-1-Chapter-6-Superposition of Waves
Part-2-Chapter-6-Superposition of Waves
Part-1-Chapter-9-Current Electricity
Part-2-Chapter-9-Current Electricity
Part-1-Chapter-10-Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current
Part-2-Chapter-10-Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current
Part-1-Chapter-11-Magnetic Materials
Part-2-Chapter-11-Magnetic Materials
Part-1-Chapter-12-Electromagnetic Induction
Part-2-Chapter-12-Electromagnetic Induction
Part-1-Chapter 13: AC Circuits
Part-2-Chapter 13: AC Circuits
Part-1-Chapter-14-Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Part-2-Chapter-14-Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Part-1-Chapter-15-Structure of Atoms and Nuclei
Part-2-Chapter-15-Structure of Atoms and Nuclei
Part-1-Chapter-16- Semiconductor Devices
Part-2-Chapter-16- Semiconductor Devices
Part-1-Chapter-3-Ionic Equilibria
Part-2-Chapter-3-Ionic Equilibria
Part-1-Chapter-4-Chemical Thermodynamics
Part-2-Chapter-4-Chemical Thermodynamics
Part -1-Chapter-6-Chemical Kinetics
Part -2-Chapter-6-Chemical Kinetics
Part-1-Chapter-7-Elements of Groups 16, 17, and 18
Part-2-Chapter-7-Elements of Groups 16, 17, and 18
Part-3-Chapter-7-Elements of Groups 16, 17, and 18
Part-1-Chapter-8-Transition and Inner transition Elements
Part-2-Chapter-8-Transition and Inner transition Elements
Part-3-Chapter-8-Transition and Inner transition Elements
Part-1-Chapter-9-Coordination Compounds
Part-2-Chapter-9-Coordination Compounds
Part-1-Chapter-10-Halogen Derivatives
Part-2-Chapter-10-Halogen Derivatives
Part-1-Chapter-11-Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Part-2-Chapter-11-Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Part-1-Chapter-12-Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids
Part-2-Chapter-12-Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids
Part-3-Chapter-12-Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids
Chapter-15-Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
Chapter-16-Green Chemistry and Nano chemistry
Part-1-Chapter-1-Reproduction in Lower & Higher Plants
Part-2-Chapter-1-Reproduction in Lower & Higher Plants
Notes-Part-1-Chapter-2-Reproduction in Lower & Higher Animals
Part-2-Chapter-2-Reproduction in Lower & Higher Animals
Chapter-3-Inheritance and Variations
Part-1-Chapter-4-Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Part-2-Chapter-4-Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Part-1-Chapter-5-Origin and Evolution of Life
Part-2-Chapter-5-Origin and Evolution of Life
Chapter-6-Plant Water Relations
Part-1-Chapter-7-Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition
Part-2-Chapter-7-Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition
Part-1-Chapter-8-Respiration and Circulation
Part-2-Chapter-8-Respiration and Circulation
Part-1-Chapter-9-Control and Coordination
Part-2-Chapter-9-Control and Coordination
Part-1-Chapter-10-Human Health and Diseases
Part-2-Chapter-10-Human Health and Diseases
Part-1-Chapter-11-Enhancement in Food Production
Part-2-Chapter-11-Enhancement in Food Production
Part-3-Chapter-11-Enhancement in Food Production
Part-1-Chapter 12: Biotechnology
Part-2-Chapter 12: Biotechnology
Chapter-13-Organisms and Population
Chapter-14-Ecosystems and Energy Flow
Class 12 Solutions
Chapter 1: Rotational Dynamics
Chapter 2: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Chapter 3: Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
Chapter-6-Superposition of Waves
Chapter-10-Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current
Chapter-12-Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter-14-Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Chapter-15-Structure of Atoms and Nuclei
Chapter-16- Semiconductor Devices
Chapter-4-Chemical Thermodynamics
Chapter-7-Elements of Groups 16, 17, and 18
Chapter-8-Transition and Inner transition Elements
Chapter-9-Coordination Compounds
Chapter-10-Halogen Derivatives
Chapter-11-Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Chapter-12-Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids
Chapter-15-Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
Chapter-16-Green Chemistry and Nano chemistry
Chapter-1-Reproduction in Lower & Higher Plants
Chapter-2-Reproduction in Lower & Higher Animals
Chapter-3-Inheritance and Variations
Chapter-4-Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Chapter-5-Origin and Evolution of Life
Chapter-6-Plant Water Relations
Chapter-7-Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition
Chapter-8-Respiration and Circulation
Chapter-9-Control and Coordination
Chapter-10-Human Health and Diseases
Chapter-11-Enhancement in Food Production
Chapter-13-Organisms and Population
Chapter-14-Ecosystems and Energy Flow
Chapter-15-Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues
Class 8 Notes
Class 9 Notes
Class 10 Notes
Chapter-1-Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chapter-2-Acids, Bases and Salts (Part-1)
Chapter-2-Acids, Bases and Salts (Part-2)
Part-1-Chapter-3-Metals and Non-Metals
Part-2-Chapter-3-Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter-4-Carbon and Its Compounds
Part-1-Chapter-5-Life Processes
Part-2-Chapter-5-Life Processes
Class 10 Solutions