Notes-Part-2-Class-12-Biology-Chapter-11-Enhancement in Food Production-Maharashtra Board

Enhancement in Food Production

Maharashtra Board-Class-12th-Biology-Chapter-11


Topics to be Learn : Part-1

  • Improvement in Food Production
  • Plant breeding
  • Tissue culture
  • Single cell protein (SCP)
  • Biofortification

Topics to be Learn : Part-2

  • Animal husbandry

Topics to be Learn : Part-3

  • Microbes in human welfare
  • Role of Microbes in Industrial Production
  • Microbes in Sewage Treatment
  • Microbes in Energy Generation
  • Role of Microbes as Biocontrol Agents
  • Role of Microbes as Biofertilizers

Animal husbandry :

  • Animal husbandry is an agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock.
  • Animal husbandry deals with care and breeding of livestock like buffaloes, cows, pigs, horses, cattles, sheeps, camels, goats, etc.
  • It also includes poultry farming, fish farming, bee keeping, sericulture, lac culture, etc.
  • Products obtained from animals : Milk, eggs, meat, wool, honey, silk, etc.

The production can be increased by -

  • Effective management procedures
  • New technologies in various farm systems to improve quality and productivity
  • Use of industrial principles of production processing and marketing
  • Management of farms includes selection of high yielding breeds, taking care of food requirements, supply of adequate nutritional sources, cleanliness of the environment and maintenance of health.
  • Management of farm animals includes veterinary supervision, vaccination, high yielding cross breed development, production and preservation of products, distribution and marketing.

Animal breeding :

Aims of animal breeding :

  • Aims of animal breeding is getting improved breeds with desirable qualities of product and to increase yield of animals,
  • To develop breed with desirable characters such as increased production of milk, quality of product, quality of meat or maximum yield of eggs per year etc.

Breed : A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters like general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc.

Details of various types of breeding :

Dairy farm management :

Dairy industry : It involves production, processing, marketing and distribution of milk and various milk products. Cow dung, manure, fuel cakes and gobar gas (for cooking and lighting) are sources of additional income.

Breeds of cows :

  • Indian breeds of cows : Sahiwal, Sindhi, Gir
  • Exotic breeds of cows : Jersey, Brown Swiss, Holstein.
  • Breeds of buffaloes in India : Jaffarabadi, Mehsana, Murrah, Nagpuri, Nili, Surati.

Cattle feed : Silage, oilcakes, minerals, vitamins and salts.

Measures to be taken to improve the quality of milk :

Poultry farm management :

Poultry includes number of bird species such as chicken, ducks, turkey, and fowls which are domesticated for their eggs and meat.

Allied professions to poultry : Processing ofeggs and meat, marketing of poultry products, compounding and sale of poultry feed, poultry equipment, pharmaceuticals, feed additives, etc.

Requirements for poultry farm Management :

Poultry breeds [On the basis of their origin) :

  • American breeds : Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire, Rhode Island Red
  • Asiatic breeds : Brahma, Cochin and Langshan
  • Mediterranean breeds : Leg horn, Minorca
  • English breed : Australorp
  • Indian breeds : Chittagong, Aseel, Brahma and Kadaknath.

Best layer (for eggs) : Leghorn.

Best broilers (for meat) : Plymouth rock, Rhode Island Red, Aseel, Brahma and Kadaknath.

Poultry diseases :

Apiculture or bee keeping :

  • Apiculture or bee keeping is an artificial rearing of honey bees to obtain bee products.

Importance of apiculture :

Species of  honey bee :

  • The four species of honey bees commonly found in India are Apis dorsata (rock bee or wild bee), Apis florea (little bee), Apis mellifera (European bee) and Apis indica (Indian bee).
  • For bee keeping, Apis mellifera and Apis indica are the suitable species, hence they are known as domesticated species.

Requirements of bee keeping :

Fishery :

Fishery is deals with the catching, processing, fish farming and marketing of fish, and other useful aquatic animals such as, prawns, lobsters, oysters, mussels and crabs.

Main divisions of fishery : Fishery can be capture fishery and culture fishery.

Three main divisions of capture fishery are: Inland fishery, estuarine fishery and marine fishery.

  • Inland fishery : It is culturing and capturing of from fresh water bodies. It is carried out on about 40 to 50 lakh acres of fresh water bodies such as rivers, ponds, lakes and dams.
  • Marine fishery: It includes capturing fish from sea water. India has a coastline of about 7500 km.
  • Estuarine fishery: It includes capture of fish from estuaries.
  • Culture fishery : Culture fishery is either of polyculture or of monoculture type. In polyculture, different species are cultured simultaneously at the same time in the same pond. In monoculture, only a single species is cultured.

Common fresh water fishes : Rohu, Catla, Mrigal, common carp, grass carp. silver carp etc.

Marine fishes : Hilsa, Bombayduck, sardines, pomphrets, mackerel, etc. are important varieties of fish.

Fish farming :

Prevention of Fish spoilage:

Fish is a highly perishable commodity After catching the fish it immediately starts spoilage process.

In order to prevent this process, the fish preservation is done.

Methods of fish preservation :

Economic importance of fisheries :

Sericulture :

  • Sericulture is deals with rearing of silkworm and production of silk.
  • The silkworm (Bombyx mori) is reared for obtaining best quality of silk called mulberry silk. Tussar silk and Eri silk are other varieties of silk which are inferior to the mulberry silk.
  • Larvae of silkworm are fed on the mulberry leaves. Quality and quantity of silk depends on the quality of mulberry leaves.
  • These larvae are reared, developed and well looked after by the skilful labour keeping a constant watch.
  • Silkworm larvae may be infected by protozoans, viruses and fungi. Ants, crows, birds, and other predators are ready to attack these insects, hence the cages of these larvae must be managed to prevent predators attack.
  • Silk is obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm.
  • Sericulture is an age old practice and can be started with low investment and small space. It requires scientific knowledge and skill. Disabled, older and handicapped people also can practise it.

Different stages found in the life cycle of silkworm and process of cocoon formation :

Lac culture :

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