Solutions-Practice Set-Class-10-Mathematics-1-Chapter-6-Statistic-Maharashtra Board


Class-10-Mathematics-1-Chapter-6-Maharashtra Board

Solutions - Practice Set

Practice Set 6.1

Question 1.1. The following table shows the number of students and the time they utilized daily for their studies. Find the mean time spent by students for their studies by direct method.

Time (hrs.) 0−2 2−4 4−6 6−8 8−10
No. of students 7 18 12 10 3
Answer :

Class Time


Class mark 


Frequency (No. of students)


Class mark × frequency

xi fi

0−2 1 7 7
2−4 3 18 54
4−6 5 12 60
6−8 7 10 70
8−10 9 3 27
Total   fi = 50 xi fi = 218

The mean is found using the formula

Mean = \(\bar{X} = \frac{∑x_if_i}{∑f_i}=\frac{218}{50}\) = 4.36

The mean time spent by students is = 4.36 hrs

Question 1.2. In the following table, the toll paid by drivers and the number of vehicles is shown. Find the mean of the toll by 'assumed mean' method.

Toll (Rupees) 300−400 400−500 500−600 600−700 700−800
No. of vehicles 80 110 120 70 40
Answer :

Let us take 550 as the assumed mean.

Then A = 550 and deviation di = Xi − A = Xi − 550

Class Toll (in .) Class mark


di = xi − A

= xi − 550

Frequency (No. of vehicles)


Frequency × Deviation

fi × di

300−400 350 −200 80 –16000
400−500 400 −100 110 –11000
500−600 550→A 0 120 0
600−700 650 100 70 7000
700−800 750 200 40 8000
Total     ∑ fi = 420 ∑ fi di = –12000

Here ∑ fidi = −12000, ∑fi = 420,

\(\bar{d} = \frac{∑f_id_i}{∑f_i}=\frac{−12000}{420}\) = –28.57

Mean, \(\bar{X}\)  = A + \(\bar{d}\) = 500 + (–28.57) = 550 – 28.57 = 521.43

∴ The mean of toll is = ₹ 521.43.

Question 1.3. A milk centre sold milk to 50 customers. The table below gives the number of customers and the milk they purchased. Find the mean of the milk sold by direct method.

Milk Sold (Litre) 1−2 2−3 3−4 4−5 5−6
No. of Customers 17 13 10 7 3
Answer :

Class Milk sold (Litrs) Class mark


Frequency (No. of customers)


Class marks × frequency

xi fi

1−2 1.5 17 25.5
2−3 2.5 13 32.5
3−4 3.5 10 35.0
4−5 4.5 7 31.5
5−6 5.5 3 16.5
Total   fi = 50 xi fi = 141

Here ∑ xi fi = 141, ∑ fi = 50

Mean = \(\bar{X} = \frac{∑x_if_i}{∑f_i}=\frac{141}{50}\) = 2.82

The mean of milk sold is = 2.82 litres

Question 1.4. A frequency distribution table for the production of oranges of some farm owners is given below. Find the mean production of oranges by 'assumed mean' method.

Production (Thousand rupees) 25−30 30−35 35−40 40−45 45−50
No. of farm owners 20 25 15 10 10
Answer :

Let us take 37.5 as the assumed mean.

Then A = 37.5 and deviation di = Xi − A =Xi − 37.5

Class Production (Thousand  .) Class mark


di = xi − A

=  xi – 37.5


(Farm owners)


Frequency ×


fi × di

25−30 27.5 −10 20 −200
30−35 32.5 −5 25 −125
35−40 37.5→A 0 15 0
40−45 42.5 5 10 50
45−50 47.5 10 10 100
Total     ∑ fi = 80 ∑ fi di = –175

Here ∑ fidi = −175, ∑fi = 80,

\(\bar{d} = \frac{∑f_id_i}{∑f_i}=\frac{−175}{80}\) = –2.1875 ≈ −2.19

Mean, \(\bar{X}\) = A + \(\bar{d}\) = 37.5 + (–2.19) = 35.31 Thousands = 35310

The mean of production of oranges is = 35310.

Question 1.5. A frequency distribution of funds collected by 120 workers in a company for the drought affected people are given in the following table. Find the mean of the funds by 'step deviation' method.

Fund (Rupees) 0−500 500−1000 1000−1500 1500−2000 2000−2500
No. of workers 35 28 32 15 10
Answer :

Let us take A = 1250, and g = 500

Class Fund (.) Class mark


di = xi − A

=  xi – 1250

ui = di/g

= di/500

Frequency (No. of workers)


fi ui
0−500 250 −1000 −2 35 −70
500−1000 750 −500 −1 28 −28
1000−1500 1250→A 0 0 32 0
1500−2000 1750 500 1 15 15
2000−2500 2250 1000 2 10 20
Total     ∑ fi = 120 ∑ fi ui = –63

Here ∑ fidi = −63, ∑fi = 120, g = 500

\(\bar{u} = \frac{∑f_iu_i}{∑f_i}=\frac{−63}{120}\) = –0.525

Mean, \(\bar{X}\) = A + \(\bar{u}\)g = 1250 + (–0.525) x 500 = 1250 – 262.5 = 987.50

The mean of the funds is = 987.50

Question 1.6. The following table gives the information of frequency distribution of weekly wages of 150 workers of a company. Find the mean of the weekly wages by 'step deviation' method.

Weekly wages (Rupees) 1000−2000 2000−3000 3000−4000 4000−5000
No. of workers. 25 45 50 30
Answer :

Let us take A = 2500, and g = 1000

Class Weekly wages (.) Class mark


di = xi − A

=  xi – 2500

ui = \(\frac{d_i}{g}\)

   = \(\frac{d_i}{500}\)

Frequency (No. of workers)


fi ui
1000−2000 1500 −1000 1 25 −25
2000−3000 2500→A 0 0 45 0
3000−4000 3500 1000 1 50 50
4000−5000 4500 2000 2 30 60
Total     ∑ fi = 150 ∑ fi ui = 85

Here ∑ fidi = 85, ∑fi = 150, g = 1000

\(\bar{u} = \frac{∑f_iu_i}{∑f_i}=\frac{85}{150}\) = 0.57

Mean, \(\bar{X}\) = A + \(\bar{u}\)g = 2500 + 0.57 x 1000 = 2500 + 570 = 3070

The mean of weekly wages is = 3070

Practice Set 6.2

Question 2.1. The following table shows classification of number of workers and the number of hours they work in a software company. Find the median of the number of hours they work.

Daily No. of hours 8−10 10−12 12−14 14−16
Number of workers 150 500 300 50
Answer :

Class (Daily no. of hrs.) Frequency (No. of workers)


Cumulative frequency (less than type)


8−10 150 150 −> cf
 10−12 (median class) 500 −> f 650
12−14 300 950
14−16 50 1000
N = ∑fi = 1000

Here, total of frequencies N = ∑fi = 1000

\(\frac{N}{2}=\frac{1000}{2}\) = 500. Cumulative frequency which is just greater than 500 is 650.

∴ the corresponding class 10−12 is the median class.

L = 10, f = 500 (Frequency of the median class), cf = 150, h = 2

Median = L + \([\frac{\frac{N}{2}−cf}{f}]\) × h

= 10 + \(\frac{500−150}{500}\) × 2 = 10 +  × 2

= 10 + \(\frac{350}{500}\) × 2 = 10 + 1.4 = 11.4

The median of the number of hours they work = 11.4

Question 2.2. The frequency distribution table shows the number of mango trees in a grove and their yield of mangoes. Find the median of data.

No. of Mangoes 50−100 100−150 150−200 200−250 250−300
No. of trees 33 30 90 80 17
Answer :

Class (No. of mangoes) Frequency (No. of trees)


Cumulative frequency (less than type)


50−100 33 33
100−150 30 63 −> f
150−200 (median class) 90 −> f 153
200−250 80 233
250−300 17 250
N = ∑fi = 250

Here, total of frequencies N = ∑fi = 250

\(\frac{N}{2}=\frac{250}{2}\) = 125. Cumulative frequency which is just greater than 125 is 153.

∴ the corresponding class 150−200 is the median class.

L = 150, f = 90, cf = 63, h = 50

Median = L + \([\frac{\frac{N}{2}−cf}{f}]\) × h

= 150 + \(\frac{125−63}{90}\) × 50

= 150 + \(\frac{62}{90}\) × 50 = 150 + 34.4 = 184.4

The median of the data = 184.4 mangoes i.e. 184 mangoes approx

Question 2.3. The following table shows the classification of number of vehicles and their speeds on Mumbai−Pune express way. Find the median of the data.

Average Speed of

Vehicles(Km / hr)

60−64 64−69 70−74 75−79 79−84 84−89
No. of vehicles 10 34 55 85 10 6
Answer :

The classes (Average speed of vehicles) in the table are not continuous.

To find the median, the classes must be continuous.

The difference between the upper class limit of a class and the lower class limit of it succeeding class is 1.

Therefore, subtract  = 0.5 from the lower class limit of each class and add 0.5 to the upper class limit of each class.

Make a column of cf (less than type) in the new table showing the continuous classes.

Class (Average speed of vehicles) Continuous classes Frequency (No. of vehicles)


Cumulative frequency (less than type)


60−64 59.5−64.5 10 10
65−69 64.5−69.5 34 44
70−74 69.5−74.5 55 99 −> f
 75−79 (median class) 74.5−79.5 85 −> f 184
80−84 79.5−84.5 10 194
85−89 84.5−89.5 6 200
N = ∑fi = 200

Here, total of frequencies N = ∑fi = 200

\(\frac{N}{2}=\frac{200}{2}\) = 100. Cumulative frequency which is just greater than 100 is 184.

∴ the corresponding class 74.5−79.5 is the median class.

L = 74.5, f = 85, cf = 99, h = 5

Median = L + \([\frac{\frac{N}{2}−cf}{f}]\) × h

= 74.5 + \(\frac{100−99}{85}\) × 5

= 74.5 + \(\frac{1}{17}\)  = 74.5 + 0.06 = 74.56 ≈ 75

The median of the data = 75 vehicles.

Question 2.4. The production of electric bulbs in different factories is shown in the following table. Find the median of the productions.

No. of bulbs

produced (Thousands)

30−40 40−50 50−60 60−70 70−80 80−90 90−100
No. of factories 12 35 20 15 8 7 8
Answer :

Class (No. of mangoes) Frequency (No. of trees)


Cumulative frequency (less than type)


30−40 12 12
40−50 35 47 −> f
50−60 (median class) 20 −> f 67
60−70 15 82
70−80 8 90
80−90 7 97
90−100 8 105
N = ∑fi = 105

Here, total of frequencies N = ∑fi = 105

\(\frac{N}{2}=\frac{105}{2}\) = 52.5. Cumulative frequency which is just greater than 52.5 is 67.

∴ the corresponding class 150−200 is the median class.

L = 50, f = 20, cf = 47, h = 10

Median = L + \([\frac{\frac{N}{2}−cf}{f}]\) × h

= 50 + \(\frac{52.5−47}{20}\) × 10

= 50 + \(\frac{5.5}{2}\) = 50 + 2.75 = 52.75 thousand = 52750.

The median of the production is = 52750.

Practice Set 6.3

Question 3.1. The following table shows the information regarding the milk collected from farmers on a milk collection centre and the content of fat in the milk, measured by a lactometer. Find the mode of fat content.

Content of fat (%) 2−3 3−4 4−5 5−6 6−7
Milk collected (Litre) 30 70 80 60 20
Answer :

Content of fat (%) 2−3 3−4 4−5 5−6 6−7
Milk collected (Litre) 30 70 → f0 80 → f1 60→ f2 20

Here the maximum frequency (80) is in the class 4−5.

∴ the model class is 4−5,

L = Lower class limit of the modal class = 4

h = Class interval of the modal class = 1

f1 = Frequency of the modal class = 80

f0 = Frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 70

f2 = Frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 60

Mode = L + \([\frac{f_1−f_0}{2f_1−f_0−f_2}]\) × h

= 4 + \([\frac{80−70}{2(80)−70−60}]\) × 1

= 4 + \([\frac{10}{30}]\)

= 4 + 0.33

= 4.33

∴ the mode of fat content is 4.33%.

Question 3.2. Electricity used by some families is shown in the following table. Find the mode for use of electricity.

Use of electricity (Unit) 0−20 20−40 40−60 60−80 80−100 100−120
No. of families 13 50 70 100 80 17
Answer :

Use of electricity (Unit) 0−20 20−40 40−60 60−80 80−100 100−120
No. of families 13 50 70 → f0 100 → f1 80 → f2 17

Here the maximum frequency (100) is in the class 60−80.

∴ the model class is 60−80,

L = Lower class limit of the modal class = 60

h = Class interval of the modal class = 20

f1 = Frequency of the modal class = 100

f0 = Frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 70

f2 = Frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 80

Mode = L + \([\frac{f_1−f_0}{2f_1−f_0−f_2}]\) × h

= 60 + \([\frac{100−70}{2(100)−70−80}]\) × 20

= 60 + \([\frac{300}{200−150}]\) × 20

= 60 + \([\frac{30}{50}]\) × 20

= 60 + 12

= 72

∴ the mode for the use of electricity is 72 units

Question 3.3. Grouped frequency distribution of supply of milk to hotels and the number of hotels is given in the following table. Find the mode of the supply of milk.

Milk (Litre) 1−3 3−5 5−7 7−9 9−11 11−13
No. of hotels 7 5 15 20 35 18
Answer :

Milk (Litre) 1−3 3−5 5−7 7−9 9−11 11−13
No. of hotels 7 5 15 20 → f0 35 → f1 18 → f2

Here the maximum frequency (35) is in the class 9−11.

∴ the model class is 9−11,

L = Lower class limit of the modal class = 9

h = Class interval of the modal class = 2

f1 = Frequency of the modal class = 35

f0 = Frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 20

f2 = Frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 18

Mode = L + \([\frac{f_1−f_0}{2f_1−f_0−f_2}]\)  × h

= 9 + \([\frac{35−20}{2(35)−20−18}]\) × 2

= 9 + \([\frac{15}{70−38}]\) × 2

= 9 + \([\frac{15}{32}]\) × 2

= 9 + \([\frac{15}{16}]\)

= 9 + 0.9375 ≈ 9.94

∴ the mode of the supply of milk is 9.94 litres

Question 3.4. The following frequency distribution table gives the ages of 200 patients treated in a hospital in a week. Find the mode of ages of the patients.

Age (years) Less than 5 5−9 10−14 15−19 20−24 25−29
No. of patients 38 32 50 36 24 20
Answer :

Less than 5 means 0 to 4. The age cannot be negative.

In the table, the classes are not continuous.

We get the following frequency distribution table after making the classes continuous.

Class Age (Years) Class Continuous classes Frequency (No. of patients)
Less than 5 0−4 0−4.5 38
5−9 5−9 4.5−9.5 32 → f0
10−14 10−14 9.5−14.5 50 f1
15−19 15−19 14.5−19.5 36 → f2
20−24 20−24 19.5−24.5 24
25−29 25−29 24.5−29.5 20

From the table model class is 9.5−14.5,

L = Lower class limit of the modal class = 9.5

h = Class interval of the modal class = 5

f1 = Frequency of the modal class = 50

f0 = Frequency of the class preceding the modal class = 32

f2 = Frequency of the class succeeding the modal class = 36

Mode = L + \([\frac{f_1−f_0}{2f_1−f_0−f_2}]\)  × h

= 9.5 + \([\frac{50−32}{2(50)−32−36}]\) × 5

= 9.5 + \([\frac{18}{100−68}]\) × 5

= 9.5 + \([\frac{18}{32}]\) × 5

= 9.5 + 2.815 ≈ 12.31

The mode of the ages of the patients is 12.31 years

Practice Set 6.4

Question 4.1. Draw a histogram of the following data.

Height of student (cm) 135−140 140−145 145−150 150−155
No. of students 4 12 16 8
Answer :

Question 4.2. The table below shows the yield of jowar per acre. Show the data by histogram.

Yield per acre (quintal) 2−3 4−5 6−7 8−9 10−11
No. of farmers 30 50 55 40 20
Answer :

Question 4.3. In the following table, the investment made by 210 families is shown. Present it in the form of a histogram.

Investment (Thousand Rupees) 10−15 15−20 20−25 25−30 30−35
No. of families 30 50 60 55 15
Answer :

Question 4.4. Time alloted for the preparation of an examination by some students is shown in the table. Draw a histogram to show the information.

Time (minutes) 60−80 80−100 100−120 120−140 140−160
No. of students 14 20 24 22 16
Answer :

Practice Set 6.5

Question 5.1. Observe the following frequency polygon and write the answers of the questions below it.

(1) Which class has the maximum number of students?

(2) Write the classes having zero frequency.

(3) What is the class−mark of the class, having frequency of 50 students?

(4) Write the lower and upper class limits of the class whose class mark is 85.

(5) How many students are in the class 80−90?

Answer :

(1) The class 60 − 70 has the maximum number of students, i.e., 60.

(2) The classes 20 − 30 and 90 − 100 have zero frequency.

(3) The class−mark of the class having frequency of 50 students is 55.

(4) The lower and upper class limits of the class having class marks of 85 are 80 and 90.

(5) Number of students in the class 80−90 are 15.

Question 5.2. Show the following data by a frequency polygon.

Electricity bill () 0−200 200−400 400−600 600−800 800−1000
Families 240 300 450 350 160
Answer :

Class Electricity Bill (Rs.) Class Mark Frequency (Families) Coordinates of points
0−200 100 240 (100,240)
200−400 300 300 (300,300)
400−600 500 450 (500,450)
600−800 700 350 (700,350)
800−1000 900 160 (900,160)
1000−1200 1100 0 (1100,0)

Question 5.3. The following table shows the classification of percentages of marks of students and the number of students. Draw a frequency polygon from the table.



30−40 40−50 50−60 60−70 70−80 80−90 90−100
No. of students 7 33 45 65 47 18 5
Answer :

Class Results (%) Class Mark Frequency (No. of students) Coordinates of points
20−30 25 0 (25, 0)
30−40 35 7 (35, 7)
40−50 45 33 (45, 33)
50−60 55 45 (55, 45)
60−70 65 65 (65, 65)
70−80 75 47 (75, 47)
80−90 85 18 (85, 18)
90−100 95 5 (95, 5)
100−110 105 0 (105,0)

Practice Set 6.6

Question 6.1. The age group and number of persons, who donated blood in a blood donation camp is given below. Draw a pie diagram from it.

Age group (Yrs) 20−25 25−30 30−35 35−40
No. of persons 80 60 35 25
Answer :

The number of persons are converted into component parts of 360° in the following table :

Age group (Years) No. of persons Measure of the central angle.
20−25 80 \(\frac{80}{200}\) x 3600 = 1440
25−30 60 \(\frac{60}{200}\)  x 3600 = 1080
30−35 35 \(\frac{35}{200}\)  x 3600 = 630
35−40 25 \(\frac{25}{200}\)  x 3600 = 450
Total 200 3600

On the basis of the table, the pie diagram is drawn :

Question 6.2. The marks obtained by a student in different subjects are shown. Draw a pie diagram showing the information.

Subject English Marathi Science Mathematics Social science Hindi
Marks 50 70 80 90 60 50
Answer :

The marks obtained are converted into component parts of 360° in the following table :

Subjects Marks Measure of the central angle.
English 50 \(\frac{50}{400}\)  x 3600 = 450
Marathi 70 \(\frac{70}{400}\)  x 3600 = 630
Science 80 \(\frac{80}{400}\)  x 3600 = 720
Mathematics 90 \(\frac{90}{400}\)  x 3600 = 810
Social Science 60 \(\frac{60}{400}\)  x 3600 = 540
Hindi 50 \(\frac{50}{400}\)  x 3600 = 450
Total 400 3600

On the basis of the table, the pie diagram is drawn :

Question 6.3. In a tree plantation programme, the number of trees planted by students of different classes is given in the following table. Draw a pie diagram showing the information.

Standard 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th
No. of trees 40 50 75 50 70 75
Answer :

The number of trees are converted into component parts of 360° as shown in the following table :

Standard Number of trees Measure of the central angle.
5th 40 \(\frac{40}{360}\)  x 3600 = 400
6th 50 \(\frac{50}{360}\) x 3600 = 500
7th 75 \(\frac{75}{360}\) x 3600 = 750
8th 50 \(\frac{50}{360}\) x 3600 = 500
9th 70 \(\frac{70}{360}\) x 3600 = 700
10th 75 \(\frac{75}{360}\) x 3600 = 750
Total 360 3600

Pie diagram :

Question 6.4. The following table shows the percentages of demands for different fruits registered with a fruit vendor. Show the information by a pie diagram.

Fruits Mango Sweet lime Apples Cheeku Oranges
Percentages of demand 30 15 25 20 10
Answer :

The Percentages of demand are converted into component parts of 360° as shown in the following table :

Fruits Percentage of demand Measure of the central angle.
Mango 30 \(\frac{30}{100}\) x 3600 = 1080
Sweet lime 15 \(\frac{15}{100}\) x 3600 = 540
Apples 25 \(\frac{25}{100}\) x 3600 = 900
Cheeku 20 \(\frac{20}{100}\) x 3600 = 720
Oranges 10 \(\frac{10}{100}\) x 3600 = 360
Total 100 3600

Pie diagram :

Question 6.5. The pie diagram in figure 6.13 shows the proportions of different workers in a town. Answer the following questions with its help.

(1) If the total workers is 10,000; how many of them are in the field of construction?

(2) How many workers are working in the administration?

(3) What is the percentage of workers in production?

Answer :

(1) Let number of workers in the field of construction = x.

The total number of workers is 10,000.

The central angle for construction = \(\frac{\text{workers in the field of construction}}{\text{The total number of workers}}\) x 3600

∴ 720 = \(\frac{x}{10000}\) x 3600

∴ x = \(\frac{72×10000}{360}\) = 2000

(2) Let number of workers working in the administration = y.

The total number of workers is 10,000.

The central angle for construction = \(\frac{\text{the workers in the administration}}{\text{The total number of workers}}\) x 3600

∴ 360 = \(\frac{y}{10000}\) x 3600

∴ y = \(\frac{36×10000}{360}\) = 1000

(3) The central angle for the workers in production is given to be 90°.

The percentage of workers in production = \(\frac{90^0}{360^0}\) x 100 = \(\frac{1}{4}\) x 100 = 25%

Answer is, (1) Number of workers in the field of construction = 2000, (2) Number of workers working in the administration = 1000, (3) Percentage of workers in production = 25%

Question 6.6. The annual investments of a family are shown in the adjacent pie diagram. Answer the following questions based on it.

(1) If the investment in shares is 2000/, find the total investment.

(2) How much amount is deposited in bank?

(3) How much more money is invested in immovable property than in mutual fund?

(4) How much amount is invested in post?

Answer :

(1) Let the total investment be ₹ x.

The central angle for the investment in shares is given to be 60°.

The central angle for the investment in shares = \(\frac{\text{the investment in shares}}{\text{total investment}}\) x 360°

∴ 600 = \(\frac{2000}{x}\) x 3600

∴ x = \(\frac{2000}{60^0}\) x 3600 = 12000

total investment = ₹ 12000.

(2) Let the amount deposited in the bank be ₹ y.

The central angle for the amount deposited in the bank = \(\frac{\text{the amount deposited in the bank}}{\text{total investment}}\) x 3600  ... (The central angle for the amount deposited in bank is given to be 90°)

∴ 900 = \(\frac{y}{12000}\) x 3600

∴ y = \(\frac{90×12000}{360}\) = 3000

(3) Let the amount invested in the mutual fund be ₹ z.

The central angle for the amount invested in the mutual fund is 60°.

The central angle for mutual fund = \(\frac{\text{the amount invested in the mutual fund}}{\text{total investment}}\) x 3600

∴ 600 = \(\frac{z}{12000}\) x 3600

∴ z = \(\frac{60×12000}{360}\)  = 2000     ….(i)

Now, we find the money invested in the immovable property. Let it be ₹ p.

The central angle for the immovable property = \(\frac{\text{he money invested in the immovable property}}{\text{total investment}}\) x 3600

∴ 1200 = \(\frac{p}{12000}\) x 3600

∴ p = \(\frac{120×12000}{360}\) = 4000   ….(ii)

More money invested in the immovable property

= ₹ (4000 — 2000)      ….[From (i) and (ii)]

= ₹ 2000

(4) The amount invested in the post = Total investment — (Investments in MF + immovable property + bank + shares)

= ₹ [12000 — (2000 + 4000 + 3000 + 2000)]

= ₹ (12000 — 11000) = ₹ 1000

Answer is, Investments are as follows :

(1) Total investment : ₹ 12,000 (2) Deposited in Bank : ₹ 3000 (3) More immovable property than MF : ₹ 2000 (4) Investment in Post : ₹ 1000.

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